Jeevan Jyothi, a Home for the Physically Challenged Women is a prestigious project of the National Council of India located at Baripada in Odisha and within the periphery of Balasore CC. At present there are 27 inmates. Their age range from 6 to 45 years. Most of the inmates are either physically challenged or mentally retarded. The inmates are taken care of by the DC Sisters and it is a great challenge for them to take care of them with the kind of impairment they have. At present Sr. Salomi the Superior of the house is making every effort to take care of these inmates. Besides this, she is also looking into the possibility of increasing the number of inmates. Recently two children have been brought to the Home of which one is mentally retarded and the other is physically challenged.
Of the 27 inmates one has completed her ICSC course and has undergone technical training. She is presently employed in Bangalore in a Tailoring Centre and is earning a fairly reasonable monthly salary. The inmates are also involved in preparation of Christmas cards and candles. Candle making is a new venture taken up by the Home. They are also involved in garden work and certain other odd jobs and as such none of them remain idle. The Home has a fruits and vegetable garden surrounding the building. There are a few cattle and poultry as well. The farm produce is utilized for the inmates and the excess produce is sold in the market in order to generate some income. The Christmas Cards made by the children are sent to England & Wales for sale and candles are sold during the festive seasons locally.
This project is the contribution of a generous person Mr. FRANCIONO LORENA of Italy in commemoration of his son Mr. Paul who passed away in an early age. It is intended to train the youth in computer studies and equip them for job opportunities. This project was commissioned in 2006. It was further extended as a tailoring institute and a small scale candle making center,so that young ladies can have an earning. At present proposals are there to convert it to an Industrial Training Institute for motor mechanic, welding, and electrician courses. The land and buildings are registered in the name of the National Council of India and the National Council President is the Chairman of the Managing Committee.