The Church throughout the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP) and the Vincentian Family celebrate on 9th of September the feast of the blessed Frederick Ozanam, principal founder of the SSVP, whose feast day was established by the Vatican as the date of his death (8 September) was the feast of the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
On this day, the Council General International recommends that all members of the Conferences participate actively at Holy Mass, asking the priest to include three intentions in the celebration:
The Council General International also encourages and suggests that the Conferences and Councils promote the remarkable figure of Ozanam in events and in the media. Inspired by Ozanam, we must emphasize the indispensable expression of the Christian faith through works of charity and a search for justice, just as our Lord Jesus Christ taught us, to love and serve the most needy.