Event Details

CGI Annual Meeting in Goa, India: 6 to 8 June 2024


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The Annual meeting of CGI in Goa between 6 to 8 Juen ,2024 has ended successfully. The CGI board and the delegates from various countries appreciated the arrangements and support towards the CGI AGM in Goa.
 The spiritual advisor, and the Vincentians who have extended their support and cooperation directly and indirectly. Our International President General and the delegates from Various countries were so happy and pleased by the hospitality and arrangements done in India. Because of your prayers it all turned into a grand success. On behalf of the National council of India, I thank Goa central Council,  sister Asha Maria Vaz,. Once again my sincere thanks to each one of you for the support and Prayers from the bottom of my heart.

It turned to a grand success!

S. Jude Mangalraj.
President. SSVP.
The National Council of India