Dear Brothers and Sisters, Greetings to you all.
Tomorrow we celebrate the feast of St. Vincent de paul, the heavenly Patron of the Society of Vincent de Paul.
He has known as the Apostle of charityand *Father of the Poor".
Vincent de paul died in Paris on 27th September 1660 at the age of 79. He was canonised on 16th June 1737.
The Cathoilc church designated him as the special patron of all charitable associations in 1883.
He achieved his fame for his dedication to the poor.He dedicated himself to serving the poor.
He never aspired or claimed to be a ' little God' or tried to control everything and everyone.
He honoured Jesus as much in the poor as in acts of devotion.
I request you all on this important occassion of celebrating Vincentian day, tomorrow everyone go to church and attend the Holy Mass and pray for our benefactors and auxiliary members and for all the Vincentian members in India.
Likewise , visit the sick, the disabled and the helpless and provide them with the assistance they need. So this vincentian day can be meaningful by imparting this love of Christ to others.
Let's also follow the path of the St. Vincent de Paul and strive to spread the love of Christ to the poor without desiring fame, status or reward. May our reward be from God. May we be the hands and feet of Christ, reaching out to those in need. Let our Love for the poor be a reflection of the boundless love God has shown us.
I pray and wish that all my dear vincentian brothers and sisters will be able to serve well in the society and
I wish a grace filled and glorious VINCENTIAN DAY for all of you. Let's thank God for everyday and everything he has done for us.
May God bless us all.
S. Jude Mangalraj.
National Council of India, Society of St. Vincent de Paul.