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President General’s article featured in L’Osservatore Romano


The text points to charity as the center of Vincentian spirituality

The issue number 108 of the renowned newspaper L’Osservatore Romano, published on May 10th, 2023, features an article written by brother Renato Lima de Oliveira, 16th President General International of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SSVP). 

Entitled “Charity: yesterday, today and forever“, the text argues that we must seek sanctification through service to the needy, while affirming that charity, which is the center of Vincentian spirituality, is timeless and divine.

Written in Italian, the article was published on page 8 of that periodical, and addresses the principles and values most dear to us Vincentians, such as humility, charity and service. In the text, President Lima de Oliveira says: “In today’s world, full of injustices and indifference, despite all the difficulties and challenges, there are renewed opportunities for the effective practice of charity, especially to address moral and spiritual poverties”.

Brother Renato dedicates much of the article on the triad “tenderness, empathy and boldness” as an effective tool to overcome adversity and broaden solidarity. “Tenderness represents generosity and brotherly love with one’s neighbor. Empathy means suffering together with those who suffer. And boldness allows us to be more creative in the practice of charity,” summarized our President.

At the end of the text, our President, in a farewell tone for the end of his mandate, said: “During the seven years of this mandate, I am sure that I have done everything with much love and charity, offering my best for the growth of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, which continues in its legacy of practicing charity, yesterday, today and forever, as preached by Our Lord Jesus Christ”. 

The L’Osservatore Romano is one of the most prestigious periodicals of the Catholic Church, founded on July 1st, 1861. It is a daily newspaper from Vatican City that reports on the activities of the Holy See and the events taking place in the Church and around the world.