The new region will accompany the SSVP in seven territories
At the Annual Meeting of the International Territorial Vice-presidents (ITVPs), to be held in Rome on June 12, the 16th President General, brother Renato Lima de Oliveira, will make an announcement: the addition of another International Territorial Vice-presidency, this time for the Far East (Asia 3).
The establishment of the new Territory, which will be taken from the actual Asia 2, does not imply a budget increase, as the global amount of the International Structure allocated for this purpose will remain the same. The territories that will be part of this new region are: South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Macau, Mainland China, and Mongolia.
The main purpose for the establishment of this new region is to give more effective assistance to these countries. This will be accomplished by visiting them more often, helping them in the processes of renewal (election) and approval of statutes, encouraging more solidarity projects and international partnerships as well as increasing the participation of Council General’s representatives at formation events and administrative meetings.
“The closer the Council General is to the territories, the more services will be offered, and thus we can prevent some problems, some of them commonplace, from happening. The Far East is a special area, with specific peculiarities that bring us many challenges. Our Society can still grow a lot in this region. Just as we created in 2016 the Vice Presidency for Oceania, I believe that the time has come for the Far East as well”, said brother Renato