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Caritas thanks SSVP for joint effort in building 300 houses in Nepal


The initiative took place after the 2015 earthquake

The devastating earthquakes that struck Nepal in 2015 left 8 844 confirmed deaths, more than 20 000 injured, 600 000 houses fully destroyed, and more than 280 000 houses partially damaged. 

During this time, the Council General International of the Society of St Vincent de Paul helped the affected people of Bulung Village (Dolakha District) rebuilding the village about 300 houses, to support Caritas Nepal. We also supported the installation of drinking water systems to these households. Altogether, SSVP spent around Euro 800 000 euros in earthquake’s reliefing.

During the visit to Nepal made by the President General International, Brother Renato Lima de Oliveira, on January 14th and 15th, a special diploma was delivered to the Council General International, and it will be placed at the world headquarters in Paris. The certificate is an acknowledgement of our partnership with Caritas Nepal by  helping the people affected by the disaster, and for supporting Caritas Nepal in the social development services in general.

“I want to thank all the countries, that make up our Confederation, for having, in 2015, sent the economic resources necessary for CGI to effect this collaboration with Caritas, and thus we were able to help hundreds of Nepalese,” said President Lima de Oliveira.

Brother Johnson Varghese

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