Event Details

“Charity in Hope” Medal 2023


Sovereign Order of Malta receives 2023 “Charity in Hope” Medal

The “Charity in Hope” Medal was created in 2017 by the Council General International and aims to recognize people or institutions, Catholic or other, that have distinguished themselves for their meritorious efforts in the pursuit of building a better world, in the “service of hope”.

Since the creation of this commendation, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul has already awarded the “Charity in Hope” Medal to the Rotary Club International (2018), Scouts (2019), Pontifical Foundation “Aid to the Church in Need” (2020), Jesuit Refugee Service (2021), and Fraternity Without Borders (2022).

The “Charity in Hope” Medal is designed in metal with the following features: the SSVP logo in the center; five petals, each indicating one of the five Vincentian virtues; five crosses representing the five Commandments of the Church; and ten red dots signifying the “Ten Commandments of God’s Law”. The ribbon is tricolored, with the colors of the flag of France, where our Society was born.

In 2023, during the General Assembly of the SSVP, the Medal “Charity in Hope” will be proudly given to the SOVEREIGN ORDER OF MALTA, in recognition of the services of charity they give to humanity. The mission of the Order of Malta is to “defend human dignity and care for the needy”, that is, very similar to the Vincentian mission.

The Sovereign Order of Malta was formed in the 11th century and is currently present in 120 countries, caring for those in need through medical, social and humanitarian services, focusing on the excluded and the most forgotten in civil society. One of its strategies is to act in regions of armed conflict and natural disasters, helping war refugees with medicines and other benefits. The association has numerous hospitals, medical centers, and specialized foundations.

For the following years, the National Councils have until March 30th to suggest to the Council General International the names of persons or institutions that could be awarded the “Charity in Hope” Medal. More details about the rules of this award are available on the Council General website.